Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Women in the Law Term Paper - 2048 Words

Women in the Law Term Paper In American society, individuals are constantly subjected to discrimination and gender bias, which pollutes our education systems, military, and individuals in executive business roles. Women are more often subjected to these types of issues and have sought remedy for their issues by looking toward legal theoretical frameworks like Formal Equality, Substantive Equality, and a Non-subordination/Dominance theory approach, which set the guidelines for how to identify and dissect the problem. There is a consistent problem going on around college campuses in the United States and it is the issue of sexual harassment. Particularly female students, the victims of these cases are told to come forward about what happened†¦show more content†¦All too often do the victims of rape or sexual harassment cases bottle up the incident for months or even years before they are strong enough to publicize the wrongful act. In Sulkowicz’s case, she mentions that in the attack, â€Å"it could take two minutes for it to stop, or he could have strangled me to death.† She had begun to have sex with the man, but he eventually began to physically hurt and choke her, as he anally penetrated her. The Columbia University panel held her assailant not responsible (Perez-Pena, Taylor 1). Sulkowicz had also experienced what is known as ‘forcible compulsion,’ which is physical force, violence, moral, psychological or intellectual force to compel a person to engage in sexual intercourse against their will. While she may have wanted to engage in intercourse to begin with, the physical abuse and anal penetration that ensued quickly into the act, was against her own will. Forcible compulsion need not be at the beginning the act. As she stated earlier, she decided that enduring the unwanted penetration for a short time outweighed being physicallyShow MoreRelatedAn American Ideal Of Equality Is Not An America At All.1501 Words   |  7 Pagesand would remain the only religion if the American ideal of Equality never came into act. If the American Ideal of Equality did not exist in America, women would have zero rights. Women not having rights will change; the government as a whole, the school systems,the medical field, the military, and more. Women are essential to America and if women had no rights America would be chaotic. Say that the American Ideal of Equality was nonexistent. The rights of Gay citizens would drastically change. GayRead MoreIndia: A Destination for International Surrogacy Essay793 Words   |  4 PagesCOMMERCIAL SURROGACY SUB THEME INDIA: A DESTINATION FOR INTERNATIONAL SURROGACY DEFINATIONS To understand any topic in full, its necessary to know the meanings of the terms related to it. 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